July 23, 1987 Bogota, Colombia - Cool
"Surely god is my help; the
Lord is the one who sustains me." ~Psalm 54:4
Thank you Lord for sustaining me, for giving me
strength when I am weary. Father I commit this day to you and ask that you help
me see the things you are doing so that I won’t waste our time. Grant me
discernment Lord. Teach me your way, train my hands for battle. Instruct me in
the night. Lord this morning I recommit my life to you. Help me father to overcome
my weariness within myself. Father, I desire to glorify you in all I do and
say. Father, I pray for protection for our children today as they go their
various directions.
Continue to minister to our parents, Lord. Bless
them. Bless our home with your love and peace. Amen.