Saturday, December 29, 2012

July 23, 1987 - prayer

July 23, 1987  Bogota, Colombia  -  Cool

"Surely god is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me." ~Psalm 54:4

Thank you Lord for sustaining me, for giving me strength when I am weary. Father I commit this day to you and ask that you help me see the things you are doing so that I won’t waste our time. Grant me discernment Lord. Teach me your way, train my hands for battle. Instruct me in the night. Lord this morning I recommit my life to you. Help me father to overcome my weariness within myself. Father, I desire to glorify you in all I do and say. Father, I pray for protection for our children today as they go their various directions.
Continue to minister to our parents, Lord. Bless them. Bless our home with your love and peace. Amen.

Monday, December 24, 2012

July 22, 1987 prayer of thanksgiving

July 22, 1987  Bogota, Colombia  -  Warm
     "God Looks Down From Heaven On The Sons Of Men To See If If There Are any Who Understand, Any Who Seek God." ~Psalm 53:2

Lord, I know that I am a sinner saved by grace but I pray that when you look down from Heaven  I could at least be one of the ones who seek you and to do your will. Father, continue to renew my mind and change my perspectives to be like yours. I pray that I would walk with you and fellowship Lord. I love you Lord.
Thank you for my Husband and children and for the opportunity to serve your people Lord. Thank you for our parents Lord. Father, please bless them and keep them in your care. Thank you Lord. Amen

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nurturing the Eternal Life Within Us - Nouwen

This is a comforting devotional reflection from Henri Nouwen on preparing for death and eternity

"The knowledge that Jesus came to dress our mortal bodies with immortality must help us develop an inner desire to be born to a new eternal life with him and encourage us to find ways to prepare for it.

It is important to nurture constantly the life of the Spirit of Jesus - which is the eternal life - that is already in us. Baptism gave us this life, the Eucharist maintains it, and our many spiritual practices - such as prayer, meditation, spiritual reading, and spiritual guidance - can help us to deepen and solidify it. The sacramental life and life with the Word of God gradually make us ready to let go of our mortal bodies and receive the mantle of immortality. Thus death is not the enemy who puts an end to everything but the friend who takes us by the hand and leads us into the Kingdom of eternal love."

Monday, December 17, 2012

July 21, 1987 - fatigue

 July 21, 1987  Bogota, Colombia    -    Warm

 "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." --Psalm 51:12
        Father, I feel so weary right now, so tired from serving. I know its good to sow to these relationships and to do all these things but I am so tired.
        On Sunday, Pastor Jarvis, Rick and Janet Allen, Bill and Jaime Miller, Karen Rankin came to stay a week with us.  They are very nice people, I really love Jaime's spirit especially. She teaches Dance & Worship and I wish the girls could partake in her gift. They are seeking the will of God, for their lives right now. Lord, we too ask for your direction in their lives. It feels like there is potential for an eternal relationship there.  Karen and Pam flew back to the States this morning.  Our girls are in school, John Wesley is at the park with Soraya. Its good to be quiet in the morning. Johnny's foot, (which he burned by the coffee) is doing better, (PTL!)  Ruthie has finished her meds for Tonsillitis. Joseph is still taking meds, Oh Lord, when will this end? I didn't ask for this. Lord Jesus, please watch over our children and protect them as you did for me and keep them away from those who would lead them into harm. Father, save them from that pain, strengthen them Oh lord. Amen

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

July 16, 1987 - 34th birthday

July 16, 1987 Bogota, Colombia Warm

"Create in me a pure heart, Oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit in me." --Psalm 51:10

Lord, this is my desire. That you would continue renewing my mind and making me to be more like you.

Today, I am 34 years old, After the girls went to school we left John with Soraya, and went up to the North end of the city to look around and have lunch. Joseph bought me a small camera for my birthday. Then at 4:30 we had cake with Soraya and Claudia. It is also Soraya's Birthday. Mom and Dad also called to wish me a Happy Birthday and to tell me that Daddy had had the surgery for the cancer on his ear and they took the whole ear.

Dear God, please be with them and heal them. Please watch over them, I love them.

Monday, December 3, 2012

July 15, 1987 - identity

July 15, 1987 Bogota, Colombia - Warm

"He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me and prepares the way so that I may show them the salvation of God." ---Psalm 50:23

Lord, I thank you for everything and I pray for your guidance.

Last night, I watched a movie called "Yentyl" and it stirred up alot of feelings and showed me what I have been carrying. God created me to be a women, but I am much more comfortable as a man. I'm much more comfortable doing manly things (milking cows, working on the farm, building things, etc.) I feel a great void inside.

Lord, I pray that you would fill that void. Lord, I realize that the desire to have a woman to disciple me is probably a desire not met in my childhood. Lord, I choose to forgive and forget that part of my life. Lord, heal the void and please end the ceaseless struggle within. You have been faithful in the past and I know that you will continue to be. You are a God of Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and I pray that you would be with the child within me who is still un whole. Your word says that you are a Father, to the Fatherless. Can you also be a Mother, to the Motherless. Can you restore my heritage to me as a woman because the enemy has surely stolen it away. Amen.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

July 9, 1987 - trials

July 9, 1987  Bogota, Colombia     -       Cool & Rainy

 "Great is the name of the Lord, and most worthy of praise." ---Psalm 48:1

7am: We had a prayer and said Goodbye to Karen and Pam. The Lord rally has touched their hearts with eternity. Father-complete your work in them. Lyle, Carol, Olga, Joaquin and Ricki went to the Airport to see them off and bring Joseph and Frank home. They have returned from their conference with the Pan American Missionaries in Medellin. 

Yesterday was a hard day, Rod called about the money that the Church owes us , Joseph called and said that his wallet was stolen and John scalded his foot with hot coffee and we had to take him to the Doctor. He has 2nd degree burns. The Lord, really touched him because he didn't really cry last night and woke up happy and bouncy this morning. 

Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness to us. For a neighbor who is a Doctor and so much more. Amen.